Repair BSOD/Raw partition [WinServer]
Boots into the rescue:
Step 1: Check if you can mount the windows partition on a windows live cd
If you are unable run: "chkdsk C: /f"
If you see this error go to Step 2, if you do not, keep googling, this page is not for you.
Step 2: Boot in rescue and install testdisk
Run testdisk, select "no log"
Select windows Drive
Select Intel
Select Analyse
Run a quick scan
Press enter
Select write, press enter
Confirm with Y
Then reboot
Step 3: If the Drive letter you booted on comes back with the incorrect drive letter, run taskmgr on the booted server, start regedit:
Locate the following registry key:
Find the drive letter you want to change to (new). Look for "\DosDevices\C:".
Right-click \DosDevices\C:, and then click Rename.
Rename it to an unused drive letter "\DosDevices\Z:".
This frees up drive letter C.
Find the drive letter you want changed. Look for "\DosDevices\D:".
Right-click \DosDevices\D:, and then click Rename.
Rename it to the appropriate (new) drive letter "\DosDevices\C:".
open a CMD:
bootsect /nt60 ALL /mbr
bcdboot c:\windows
Reboot Again